13 research outputs found

    The Effects of the Assimilation and Use of IT Applications on Financial Performance in Healthcare Organizations

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    This research examines the impacts of the assimilation and use of IT on the financial performance of hospitals. We identify two dimensions of IT assimilation and use. They are the IT applications architecture spread, which is the adoption of a broad array of IT solutions, and IT applications architecture longevity, which is the length of experience with use of specific IT solutions. We examine the extent to which these dimensions of assimilation within the business and clinical work processes impact hospital performance. Compared with the effects of IT applications architecture spread, we find that the IT applications architecture longevity has a more significant effect on financial performance. In addition, the effects of assimilation manifest differently across the business and clinical process domains. Our results enhance understanding about the manner in which the assimilation and use of IT contributes to the financial performance of hospitals

    Scope, Longevity and Domain of IT Architecture, and Their Impacts on Hospital Efficiency

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    Use of information technologies in hospital has gained increased attention due to their potential to enhance efficiency and hence reduce costs and increase access. Information systems research has found complex dynamics related to IT impacts. In this research we examine how different patterns in the IT Architecture of hospitals differently impact hospital efficiency. Specifically, we examine three facets of a hospitals IT architecture: IT Architecture Spread (ITAS), IT Architecture Longevity (ITAL), and IT Architecture Domain (ITAD). Two dimensions of a hospital’s IT Architecture are : IT Architecture Spread (ITAS), which refers to the breadth of digitization of hospital work processes, and IT Architecture Longevity (ITAL), which refers to the maturity of the technology portfolio implemented in a hospital. The impacts of these two dimensions are assessed across the two domains of hospitals work– clinical and business – which are referred to as IT architecture domain (ITAD). Besides the linear impacts of ITAS and ITAL we also examine their non-linear interactive impacts on hospital efficiency. Utilizing archival data on 287 Californian hospitals, our results demonstrate that the enterprise IT architectures in clinical and business domains may have significantly distinct effects on efficiency. More importantly, our research points to how the two dimensions of IT architecture can explain distinct pathways in the impacts of IT on the performance of healthcare firms

    Kajian Literatur: Peran Orang Tua yang Bekerja dengan Perkembangan Sosial Anak Usia Prasekolah

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    Abstrak: Usia prasekolah merupakan masa dimana anak mulai bersosialisasi, hal ini membutuhkan peran orang tua dalam membimbing, menyayangi, mengajarkan dan mengasuh anak. Orang tua yang bekerja memiliki waktu yang kurang dalam menjalankan perannya. Literatur ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagiamana hubungan peran orang tua yang bekerja dengan perkembangan sosial anak usia sekolah. Metode yang digunakan yaitu penelusuran artikel penelitian ini melalui Google Scholar, ProQuest, EBSCO, dan Springer menggunakan kata kunci dan kriteria inklusi dalam jangka waktu artikel dari tahun 2015-2020. Hasilnya yaitu setelah penyaringan diapatkan 20 jurnal yang berhubungan dan hasil matriks sintesis dikelompokkan menjadi 3 kategori yaitu input, proses, dan output. Dalam literatur ini terdapat 5 penelitian tentang kelekatan orang tua, 13 penelitian tentang pola asuh dan 3 penelitian tentang status sosial ekonomi. Orang tua yang bekerja berperan dalam menjalin kelekatan, memberikan pengasuhan positif dan meningkatkan status sosial ekonomi untuk meningkatkan perkembangan sosial anak. Kata Kunci: Orang Tua Bekerja; Perkembangan Sosial Abstract: Preschool age is a time when the child starts socializing, it requires the role of parents in guiding, loving, teaching and parenting. Working parents have less time in their roles. The purpose of this literature is to know how the relation between the role of parents working with the social development of preschool. The method used the search for this research article through Google Scholar, ProQuest, EBSCO, and Springer uses keywords and inclusion criteria within the period of the article from 2015-2020. The result is there are 20 journals which related and results of matrix synthesis into 3 categories: input, process, and output. There are 5 studies on parent attachment, 13 studies on parenting and 3 studies on socioeconomic status. The role of working parents is building the attachment, providing good parenting and improving the socio-economic status to improve children’s social development. Keywords: Working Parents; Social Developmen

    Kajian Pengobatan Dengue Haemoragic Fever (DHF) di Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Universitas Mataram

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) has become a worldwide problem. Dengue Haemoraggic Fever (DHF) is a disease caused by the dengue virus through the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. DHF has a high mortality rate, so there is a need for appropriate therapy to reduce morbidity. This study aims to determine how the rationality of treatment in patients with Dangue Haemorraggic Fever (DHF) at the University Hospital of Mataram for the Period January - June 2020. This study is a non-experimental descriptive study, where data was taken retrospectively obtained from records. Medical records of Dengue Haemoraggic Fever (DHF) patients at the Inpatient Installation of Mataram University Hospital Period January - June 2020. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, and 40 medical records were obtained. This research was conducted by looking at the rationality of treatment based on the right indication, the right patient, the right drug, and the right dose. The data obtained were compared with the basic guidelines for the management of DHF treatment therapy from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2004. The results showed the rationality of DHF treatment seen from several aspects, namely in the use of analgesic-antipyretic drugs and maintenance fluids, appropriate indications in the use of analgesic-antipyretic drugs and maintenance fluid obtained a percentage of 100%. In addition, the exact data on antipyretic analgesic drugs was 82.5%, the exact dose of antipyretic analgesics was 55

    Studi Potensi Interaksi Obat Pasien Covid-19 di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Mataram: Study on The Potential Drug Interactions in COVID-19 Patient at the Mataram City General Hospital

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    Covid-19 or Coronavirus disease 2019 is an acute respiratory disease caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom Coronavirus (SARS CoV-2), which entered Indonesia in early 2020. Data on Covid-19 in West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) in November reported 4,550 cases. Covid-19 can cause disorders in the respiratory system, acute pneumonia to death, so researchers conducted this study which aims to see how potential drug interactions exist in patients who get Covid-19 therapy while being treated at the Mataram City Hospital for the January-December 2021 period. This research is a descriptive study conducted to get an idea of whether there are potential drug interactions that occur by conducting research objectively. Data obtained from primary data, namely medical records of patients diagnosed with Covid-19 and treated in isolation rooms. Obtained as many as 95 medical record data of Covid-19 patients in the period January - December 2021. This research is a descriptive study conducted to get an idea of whether there are potential drug interactions that occur by conducting research objectively. Data obtained from primary data, namely medical records of patients diagnosed with Covid-19 and treated in isolation rooms. As many as 95 medical record data for Covid-19 patients were obtained in the period January – December 2021. Of the 95 patients obtained, it was found that the category of drug interactions with drugs based on severity was 5.26%, moderate interactions were 42.10%, and major interactions were 3.15%.  The conclusion of this study is that the most common potential drug interactions were found with moderate severity with a percentage of 42.10% of 95 patients. ABSTRAK Covid-19 atau Coronavirus disease 2019 merupakan suatu penyakit pernapasan akut yang disebabkan oleh Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom Coronavirus (SARS CoV-2), yang masuk ke Indonesia di awal tahun 2020. Data Covid-19 di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) pada bulan November dilaporkan sebanyak 4.550 kasus. Covid-19 dapat menyebakan gangguan pada sistem pernapasan, pneumonia akut hingga kematian, sehingga peneliti melakukan penelitian ini yang  bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana potensi adanya interaksi obat pada pasien yang mendapatkan terapi Covid-19 selama di rawat di RSUD Kota Mataram periode Januari-Desember 2021. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran apakah ada potensi interaksi obat yang terjadi dengan melakukan penelitian secara objektif. Data diperoleh dari data primer yaitu rekam medis pasien yang terdiagnosa Covid-19 dan dirawat di ruang isolasi. Diperoleh sebanyak 95 data rekam medis pasien Covid-19 pada periode Januari – Desember 2021. Dari 95 pasien yang diperoleh, ditemukan diperoleh kategori interaksi obat dengan obat berdasarkan keparahan yaitu interaksi minor sebanyak 5,26% , interaksi moderate 42,10% , dan interaksi mayor sebanyak 3,15%.  Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah potensi interaksi obat yang paling banyak ditemukan yaitu dengan tingkat keparahan moderate dengan persentase sebesar yaitu 42,10% dari 95 pasien


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    The recent scientific and patented literature concluded that an increased interest in novel dosage forms which retained in the stomach for prolong and predictable period of time has been shown. Various technological attempts have been made in the research and development of rate controlled oral drug delivery systems to overcome physiological diversities, as short gastric residence times and unpredictable gastric emptying times using gastro retentive drug delivery system. The present study attempts to give an insight into the gastro-retentive drug delivery systems, and gastric floating dosage forms, in particular. These have attracted the interest of many formulators due to their advantages over the conventional drug delivery systems, recently. The study highlights these advantages with reference to the various types of gastro retentive drug delivery systems, as well as provides an overview of the recent advances that have taken place in this arena. It is a well known fact that differences in gastric physiology such as, gastric pH and motility exhibit both intra as well as inter-subject variability demonstrating significant impact on gastric retention time and drug delivery behavior. Various attempts have been made to develop gastroretntive systems. Several approaches are currently utilized in the prolongation of the GRT, including floating drug livery system, swelling and expanding systems, polymeric Bioadhesive systems, high- density systems, modified-shape systems and other delayed gastric emptying devices. Floating dosage forms are emerging as a promising dosage forms. Floating dosage forms can be prepared as tablets, capsules by adding suitable ingredients as well as by adding gas generating gent. In this review various techniques used in floating dosage forms along with current and recent developments of stomach specific floating drug delivery systems for gastro retention are discussed. Keywords: Floating drug delivery systems, floating dosage forms, gastric residence time


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    Floating Drug delivery systems are designed to prolong the gastric residence time after oral administration. Dicycloverine is used for irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain, motion sickness and other conditions. Dicycloverine works by relieving smooth muscle spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. It is more soluble in water, alcohol and chloroform and slightly soluble in ether. Precipitation of the drug occurs in the intestine, which adversely affects the absorption in the lower sections of the intestine. So there is a need for systems that reside in the stomach over a relatively long period and release the active compound in a sustained manner. The aim of the present study was to develop a delivery system wherein the retention of Dicycloverine could be achieved for increasing local action in the gastric region against irritable bowel disease (IBD) and GIT spasms with the development of sodium alginate floating beads containing Dicycloverine. Various formulations (FB1- FB7) of floating beads of Dicycloverine were developed using different concentrations of polymers like Ethyl cellulose, PVP, HPMC etc. The beads were prepared by Ionotropic gelation method using calcium chloride as a cross-linking agent. Floating beads were characterized by polymer compatibility by using FT-IR, DSC & Calibration. The prepared beads were evaluated for particle size, surface morphology, buoyancy, actual drug content, and entrapment efficiency in vitro drug release and stability studies. Finally batch FB1 is concluded as optimum formulation. Keywords: Dicycloverine, colon, IBD, gastric residence time, polymer mixture, ionotropic gelation

    Pengaruh Laba Akuntansi, Arus Kas Operasi dan Return On Equity (ROE) Terhadap Return Saham Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2015-2017

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    This study aims to determine the effect both simultaneously and partially between accounting profit, operating cash flow, and Return On Equity (ROE) on stock returns of manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry sector. The data collection method uses the documentation method. This research was conducted at the manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry sector in the 2015-2017 period. The data used in this study are secondary data in the form of financial statements and company stock price information. The research data were obtained from the Investment Gallery of Kanjuruhan University Malang and www.idx.co.id. Sampling technique uses purpose sampling which is based on certain criteria so 19 companies are used as research samples. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that simultaneous accounting profit, operating cash flow and Return On Equity affect stock returns. Partially accounting profit, operating cash flow and Return On Equity affect stock returns. The higher accounting profit, operating cash flow and return on equity (ROE), the higher the return received by investors. Conversely the smaller accounting profit, operating cash flow and Return On Equity (ROE), the smaller the return that investors will receive


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    ABSTRAKDiare merupakan gangguan buang air besar dengan frekuensi lebih dari 3 kali sehari, konsistensi cair, bisa disertai darah dan atau lender. Tujuan Kegiatan: Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan orang tua dalam penanganan diare pada anak dengan benar dan salah satu terapi komplementernya adalah menggunakan madu. Metode Kegiatan: Penyuluhan kesehatan dengan sasaran 15 anak dan orang tua yang dilakukan secara online dengan Google Meet. Hasil Kegiatan: terdapat 14 (93,3%) orang tua (ayah/ibu) yang memahami mengenai penanganan diare pada anak dan 1 (6,6%) orang tua (ayah/ibu) yang aktif bertanya dalam kegiatan. Kata kunci: diare; anak; penyuluhan kesehatan ABSTRACTDiarrhea is a bowel disorder with a frequency of more than 3 times a day, liquid consistency, can be accompanied by blood and / or mucus. Activity Objective: To increase parents' knowledge in handling diarrhea in children properly and one of the complementary therapies is using honey. Activity Method: Health education targeting 15 children and parents conducted online with Google Meet. Activity Results: there were 14 (93.3%) parents (father / mother) who understood the handling of diarrhea in children and 1 (6.6%) parents (father / mother) who actively asked questions in activities. Key words: diarrhea; children; health educatio

    Pengaruh Laba Akuntansi, Arus Kas Operasi dan Return On Equity (ROE)Terhadap Return Saham Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Sektor IdustriBarang Konsumsi yang Terdaftar di BursA Efek Indonesia Periode 2015-2017

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh baik secara simultan dan secara parsial antara laba akuntansi, arus kas operasi, dan Return On Equity (ROE) terhadap return saham perusahaan manufaktur sektor industri barang konsumsi. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada perusahaan manufaktur sektor industri barang konsumsi tahun periode 2015-2017. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder berupa laporan keuangan dan informasi harga saham perusahaan. Data penelitian diperoleh dari Galeri Investasi Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang dan www.idx.co.id. Tehnik pengambilan sempel menggunakan purpose sampling yaitu berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria tertentu sehingga diperoleh 19 perusahaan yang dijadikan sampel penelitian. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan laba akuntansi, arus kas operasi dan Return On Equity berpengaruh terhadap return saham.Secara parsial laba akuntansi, arus kas operasi dan Return On Equity berpengaruh terhadap return saham. Semakin tinggi laba akuntansi, arus kas operasi dan Retutrn On EquitY (ROE) maka semakin tinggi juga return yang diterima investor. Sebaliknya semakin kecil laba akuntansi, arus kas operasi dan Return On Equity (ROE) maka semakin kecil juga return yang akan diterima investor